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Launch of the ÖRAK eSignature-Client

Vienna / Austria 

Digital signatures are now used in all areas of daily life. They’ve become indispensable in legal transactions, and it is paramount that they be easy to use. This is also the case with ÖRAK: Every Austrian lawyer can register for this application simply and securely via the member area on the ÖRAK website, choose from among the signature providers and pricing models, brand the areas that are visible to clients, and get started. Digital documents can also be signed via ÖRAK’s confidential communication platform (without any media disruption). 


Dr. Alma Steger, lawyer, member of the Committee of the Vienna Bar Association and Chair of the ÖRAK working group IT+ digitization: “Documents bearing a qualified digital signature are the future. They allow us to provide a legally effective signature anywhere in the world, or arrange for one to be provided, without barriers or stress. This gives us the advantage that these documents guarantee proof of origin and integrity and can be duplicated without loss, so that each contracting party receives its own original. And we protect the environment into the bargain.” 

Additional links: 

Registration for ÖRAK members: https://www.rechtsanwaelte.at/mitglieder/oerak-online-services/registrierung/?ff=1 


About the Austrian Bar Association (ÖRAK) 

As an umbrella organization of the nine bar associations in Austria, the Austrian Bar Association (ÖRAK) is called to represent and protect the rights and interests of the entire Austrian legal profession. ÖRAK is a public corporation.