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A perfect start to the year 2024 with Porsche Holding as a new customer. The TPS platform of POS Solutions GmbH is taking on the complete legitimation of all Porsche Holding companies in Europe

Salzburg / Austria

Porsche Holding has decided on the legitimation platform “TPS – Trusted Platform Services,” thereby setting a milestone in the company history of POS Solutions GmbH. Beginning in 2024, all legitimation services, including remote identification and electronic signatures throughout Europe, will be connected via POS’s own TPS platform. More than 17 countries will be activated in phases and will use the platform’s standard services. To that end, the companies of Porsche Holding will profit from the international legal security of the platform services. The first countries, Austria and Germany, will enter the network during the first quarter of 2024.

TPS – Trusted Platform Services

The TPS platform offers secure remote onboarding services that are offered through a PaaS model in a German data center.

TPS is a platform for trustworthy services based on standard modules with which the parts of data collection, identification, and electronic signatures can be formed in one onboarding process. The platform’s strength lies in the uncomplicated integration of individual processes, new functionalities and services in the existing solution per API/SDK.

The regional legislation, especially in the area of electronic signatures, combating money laundering, and supervising the finance market, can require different processes in the area of identification. With the help of the TPS framework, these can be shown individually. Either with existing services or by connecting with external interfaces, which in turn can be integrated into other systems via the TPS API/SDK. In the product strategy that is designed to be future-proof lies the continual expansion with useful new services and interfaces.

For the registration of qualified signature certificates in accordance with eIDAS (remote and on site), POS Solutions has a valid conformity assessment. Together with various QVDAs, we can thus offer QES in the entire EU and ROW.

About Porsche Holding

Porsche Holding GmbH is an internationally active vehicle dealer headquartered in Salzburg. The business fields of Porsche Holding are wholesale and retail trade with the brands of Volkswagen AG, financial services and IT system developments. The company is part of the VW Group.

In 2020, Porsche Holding had the highest sales of any group in Austria (21.5 billion euros), thereby pushing OMV out of first place. (Wikipedia)